Ceiling Fans and Heating Your Home This Winter

Does anyone else love winter but hate how much it costs to heat their home? I know I do! Winter is my favorite season, but paying high heating costs is definitely not my favorite. Some of my childhood memories include wearing lots of layers and sneakily turning the heat from 68 to 72 degrees with my sisters (the increased temperature never lasted long). 

There are a few ways to make your home’s heating system run more efficiently. One of them is only helpful if you have ceiling fans. Simply by changing the direction of your ceiling fan to clockwise, you can help your home heat more efficiently. 

How does switching the direction of my ceiling fans help heat my home?

When you change the direction of your ceiling fan to clockwise, you create an updraft of cold air toward your ceiling fan. If you don’t have ceiling fans or keep them going counterclockwise all year you’ll notice that your second floor heats faster than your first. This is because hot air rises! By changing your ceiling fan direction, the fan will force the hot air downwards instead of towards the ceilings/second floor. 

Is the same true during the summertime?

Absolutely! It is important to keep your ceiling fans running counterclockwise during the summer months. Running your ceiling fans with your AC will help it to run more efficiently as well. 

How do you change the direction of your fan?

On most ceiling fans it is super straightforward! All you’ll need is to get on a ladder/chair and flip a switch. It should be located somewhere on the fan base.


Typical Costs During The First Year of Homeownership


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